Specially selected items that have been picked together to make a great outfit. So as you can see The Exclusive to us Black & Grey Monkey Jacket by 66 Clothing, the shirt is an exclusive, and limited edition as well The Burgundy Jackpot shirt, in long and short sleeve. The shoes are the Allnighters, great true (not pressed) weaver tassel loafers, just like the ones back on the 70s & 80s. Add some jeans, socks & belt that match, make this a great go to outift. Of course you can buy these items separately , but we thought you would like to see them all together.
Products in the package
UK6 - 40
UK7 - 41
UK8 - 42
UK9 - 43
UK10 - 44
UK11 - 45
UK12 - 46
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