The aim of Modshoes is to provide Smart Shoes For Smart People. We sell shoes that we think are on a different level to the High Street. You can buy some decent shoes on some high streets, but not all, and even then you have to search them out.
We are also a Brand, meaning that we have our own shoes. Look in the shop and you will see Tassel Loafers,Penny Loafers, Desert Boots, Monkey Boots, Brogues and many more. Some we get exclusively from companies based in the UK. Others we source from very good manufacturers in Spain & Portugal.
90% of the shoes that we sell have video reviews, and all our shoes have many pictures. Our thought process here, was that too many sites don’t show you the shoe from underneath, above, etc. We wanted to show YOU as much detail as possible, so that you can buy with confidence. We try to put as many of the shoes as possible through their paces, i.e. I wear as many as I can to make sure that they are good enough for us to sell, and more importantly, for you to buy!
Also, I wanted to know which shoes were better and compare peoples’ experiences of the different makers. These days we are pretty lucky in that shoes are made a lot better and not just a cash in. That said they don’t come cheap, and a lot of the better quality traditional shoes never did. As they say you pay for quality, and quality lasts longer than the price.
We have an extensive blog with many images of shoes with Suits, Jackets, Jeans, Jackets. We do this with clothes we know you will have in your wardrobe , and also bring your attention to many great UK brands like Gibson Clothing.
We also encourage our loyal customers to write reviews, as we know this helps you as well as us.
Deliveries in the UK are free, and we generally aim for next working day despatch. In simple terms, order before 1pm, and if the shoes are in stock ,you should get them the next working day. Returns are simple, just post back to us and we can send out a different size or a full refund.
Got any questions then use our Chat window below, if we are not online, leave a message as we will get back to you ASAP.
If you are not confident with purchasing online, then we can take phone orders up till 8pm. Saturdays we are open on the phone till 1pm. We can also advise you on sizing and fit etc.